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Each child has a God-ordained purpose to fulfill on earth. And most enter the world having a pigment of a sense of it. They need to be nurtured in order to not only realise their purpose, but be fully assured and grounded in it. The greater need becomes guidance – so that they are able to grow into all-rounded individuals who are not only confident of who they are, but also of what they came on earth to do. When you partner with Scripture Union, you are directly becoming a guide to make this a reality in each child’s life. And not only so, you are equipping Christian children workers in schools, Church and the community to guide and disciple these children on a more consistent basis.

Scripture Union avails the following platforms to help reach the child in Kenya:

  • Bible Clubs (BC) - currently 4,500 countrywide. Our target is to establish BCs in the over 29,000 schools countrywide
  • Vacational Bible Schools (VBSs) - 1-2 weeks of children engaging the Bible
  • Children Camps and Rallies - for spiritual nurture and life-skills inculcation
  • Programme for Pastoral Instruction (PPI) - age-approproate education/ discipleship programme that allows all the Protestant children in any school to be taught their faith doctrine. Our target is to have PPI implemented in all the over 29,000 public primary schools
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